Posts Tagged ‘Solidarity’

Citizens to defend themselves against the capitation röslersche

Februar 4, 2010

Our health care system is based on the idea that helping the healthy to the sick in an emergency. This principle of solidarity, the strong help the weak had in the founding of the Federal Republic means that each work-holder participates in a proportion of his income on the health insurance system.

The Möchtegernmarktideologen the „FDP“, which probably have basically still the financial crisis is still not understood, now want to destroy the solidarity principle. With the capitation of the ditches will pay less than suggested by the low paid, but also by those who have to pay more of their income on health insurance, pay for their medical expenses. Whether this is the meaning of the AGG, one may strongly doubted.

Therefore, the „Campaigns for a living democracy “ (1) an appeal by petition launched, in which every citizen can participate via the Internet. (2) This form of Internet democracy is unfortunately still largely underused.

Save ourselves from the health care system röslerschen philosophy of Discrimination against Geringdiener against Möchtegernleistungsträgern a la Westerwelle and Möwenpickregierung.

